--Indoor Air Quality

Mold Assessment / Inspection

Bacteria Consulting / Project Management

Water Loss Mitigation

Indoor Air Quality

In recent years people have become more concerned about the quality of the air in the homes and buildings that we occupy. This is quite logical considering that we spend more time indoors than in any other time in human history. It is said that we now spend an average of 90% of our time indoors and that 65% of that time is spent in our homes. The EPA states that indoor pollutant levels can be two to five times greater than outdoors*. Considering this fact it is easy to see that Indoor Air Quality may be as important as, or even more important than our outdoor air quality.

Indoor air quality is comprised of both indoor and outdoor components. Pollutants such as dusts, molds, bacteria and chemicals enter our buildings through the doors, windows and air conditioning systems. These outdoor pollutants combine with other indoor contaminants such as molds, pet dander and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from carpeting, paints or other building materials to make indoor air significantly worse for human health than outdoor air.

PPI has assisted hundreds of clients in determining if they have reason for concern and finding cost efficient solutions to those concerns.

Please select a category from our list of Indoor Air Quality services to learn more.


Professional Property Inspections • 17534 Black Granite Dr., San Diego, CA 92127 • 818-707-7725 • info@ppienviro.com