--Environmental Consulting


Phase I Site Assessments

Phase II Site Assessments

Phase III Remediation

Water Loss Mitigation

Environmental Consulting

PPI provides a broad range of environmental services to assist property owners, tenants, developers, and prospective purchasers to understand, define, and mitigate issues related to the release of hazardous materials to the environment.   PPI assists clients in both property transactions and the property management industry.  In performing our services, client confidentiality is a priority at PPI.

 Our Consultation services include:

  • Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments
  • Site Remediation Oversight and Reporting Services
  • Mold, Bacteria and Indoor Air Quality Assessment
  • Water Loss And Restoration Oversight/Consulting/Reporting
  • Underground Storage Tank Removal- Consulting, Sampling and Oversight

Over the last several decades, Federal, State, and local regulations have been promulgated that assign responsibility to the lender, property owner or lessor for the remediation of hazardous substances/residues, even if a prior owner or user caused the contamination.  The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA) is the federal law that has driven much of the practice for environmental investigations regarding these issues.   Effective November 1, 2006, a property purchaser must comply with either the federal rule entitled “Standards and Practices for All Appropriate Inquiries” (40 CFR Part 312) or ASTM’s revised Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Standard (ASTM E 1527-05) to qualify as an innocent landowner, contiguous property owner or bona fide prospective purchaser under CERCLA.

PPI skilled professionals design and complete comprehensive Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) in accordance with the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard E 1527-05 for Environmental Site Assessments.

Upon completion of a Phase I ESA, if Recognized Environmental Conditions identified during the Phase I warrant additional investigation, a written Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Proposal is prepared. The proposal describes the means/methods for identifying and characterizing the suspect environmental contamination revealed during the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment.

Remediation is the mitigation of the identified impacts to the property from hazardous material releases. Most remediation is conducted under the oversight of local regulatory agencies.  PPI professionals will oversee the remediation activities and interface with agency personnel in selecting a remedial alternative and oversee its implementation.  This may include regular monitoring and reporting to the regulatory agency.

Use the menu on the left for more details.

Professional Property Inspections • 17534 Black Granite Dr., San Diego, CA 92127 • 818-707-7725 • info@ppienviro.com