Our Associates
Diane Henry RG, CHG, REAII
Ms. Henry is a Registered Geologist, Certified Hydrogeologist, and Registered Environmental Assessor II with 25 years of diversified experience in conducting and managing geological-related investigations including over 15 years of experience with environmental issues. She holds a Bachelor of Science Degree (Geology) from California State University Long Beach and a Master of Science Degree (Geology) from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. She has managed and conducted a variety of multidisciplinary projects including environmental site assessments, soil and groundwater contamination assessments; remedial investigation and feasibility studies (RI/FS); remedial system design, construction, operation and monitoring; hydrogeology and contaminant transport modeling; risk assessments, and environmental impact reports.
These projects include those conducted in accordance with RCRA, CERCLA, as well as under the oversight of regulatory agencies such as the Regional Water Quality Control Boards (RWQCBs), the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC), South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), and country health and fire departments. For clients with multiple facilities, she has helped in identifying pertinent issues and prioritizing response actions to most effectively utilize company assets while addressing the issues of concern to regulatory authorities.
Bill Herlihy
Mr. Herlihy manages the property inspection services of PPI. He has more than ten years experience conducting physical property inspections, Property condition assessments and tenant environmental audits at commercial and industrial facilities throughout Southern California. Prior to his association with PPI, Mr. Herlihy managed a property inspection company that focused primarily on residential properties.
Mr. Morris is an Indoor Environmental Professional and the president of PPI. Mr. Morris conducts the Indoor Air Quality/fungal inspection services of PPI. He is a Certified Indoor Environmental Consultant, a Certified Mold Remediation Supervisor, a Certified Residential Mold Assessor, an AHERA Certified Asbestos Building Inspector/Management Planner and a Water Restoration Technician. He has twenty three years of experience in conducting commercial, residential and industrial microbial inspections throughout Southern California including: Mold/microbial consulting, microbial/bacterial surveys, Pre-remediation assessment, project scope of work/protocols, Post Remediation Verification assessments and VOC sampling and assessment including residential, commercial and industrial projects.
Mr. Morris has 45 years of operational business experience in the construction and environmental industries including general construction, project management and property maintenance for commercial, industrial, medical and residential properties. He is an active member in the following associations: IAQA- Indoor Air Quality Association,AIHA- American Industrial Hygiene Association.